Home team Downtown Gals





League Points










Roll Points

HomeAwayScheduled DateResult
Downtown GalsNite Outers02/09/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 7 Points
League Total - 2 Points
Rolls Total - 7 Points
Livin On A SpareDowntown Gals09/09/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 4 Points
Rolls Total - 13 Points
Downtown GalsSpecial Angels16/09/2024Loss
League - 0 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 4 Points
Rolls Total - 19 Points
BanditsDowntown Gals23/09/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 6 Points
Rolls Total - 25 Points
Downtown GalsMerry Devils07/10/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 4 Points
League Total - 8 Points
Rolls Total - 29 Points
WitchesDowntown Gals14/10/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 10 Points
Rolls Total - 35 Points
All About UsDowntown Gals21/10/2024Loss
League - 0 Points
Rolls - 2 Points
League Total - 10 Points
Rolls Total - 37 Points
Downtown GalsDolly Mixtures28/10/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 4 Points
League Total - 12 Points
Rolls Total - 41 Points
Barry Island FragglesDowntown Gals11/11/2024Loss
League - 0 Points
Rolls - 2 Points
League Total - 12 Points
Rolls Total - 43 Points
Downtown GalsWestenders18/11/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 14 Points
Rolls Total - 49 Points
Rolling On The RailwayDowntown Gals25/11/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 4 Points
League Total - 16 Points
Rolls Total - 53 Points
Downtown GalsBall Busters02/12/2024Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 10 Points
League Total - 18 Points
Rolls Total - 63 Points
Nite OutersDowntown Gals27/01/2025Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 20 Points
Rolls Total - 69 Points
Downtown GalsLivin On A Spare03/02/2025Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 5 Points
League Total - 22 Points
Rolls Total - 74 Points
Special AngelsDowntown Gals10/02/2025Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 24 Points
Rolls Total - 80 Points
Downtown GalsBandits17/02/2025Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 6 Points
League Total - 26 Points
Rolls Total - 86 Points
Merry DevilsDowntown Gals24/02/2025Loss
League - 0 Points
Rolls - 4 Points
League Total - 26 Points
Rolls Total - 90 Points
Downtown GalsWitches03/03/2025Win
League - 2 Points
Rolls - 4 Points
League Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
Downtown GalsAll About Us10/03/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
Dolly MixturesDowntown Gals24/03/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
Downtown GalsBarry Island Fraggles31/03/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
WestendersDowntown Gals07/04/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
Downtown GalsRolling On The Railway14/04/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points
Ball BustersDowntown Gals21/04/2025Awaiting ScoresLeague Total - 28 Points
Rolls Total - 94 Points

Total of 24 matches